How it all Began

It all began with a baby and grieving parents. I was in East Wenatchee at memorial service for a relative, while Sadi, was trying to figure out how to bring her baby girl home to rest from the hospital in Seattle. They weren’t going to release the baby or it was going to cost a bundle of $$$ to bring her home. After the service, I stayed back and asked Becky at Chapel of the Valley if she could give me any information to help me help them get baby Journee Rose Mercy Wallin home.

She contacted the hospital, made arrangements for Sadi to bring her home directly to the funeral home, and let us know that there would be no cost. She did this with kindness, respect, and the Love of Jesus shining through.

This made me want to give back to other families in need of help in times of sorrow.

With my time recently freed up, I went down to see Becky and discuss my desire to give back in some way, and I wanted it to be called Mercy’s Money so it could be anonymous giving by anyone who cared to join the cause.

She pointed to the board of families and mentioned one in particular that really needed some help with their recent loss of their teenage son. I said OK let’s do it!

We brainstormed, and came up with a beautiful little card that could be given to the family with a short message that there was a bit of relief for some of the struggles they were facing, and that God has a purpose and a plan - Jeremiah 29:11. Then she saw the little pale pink box with gold embossed roses she had purchased for the local Chamber Dinner, and it was SO PERFECT! It would be called a Mercy Box. It would be filled with little things for the family and the beautiful little card with the big uplifting message.


Kolt’s Story